2013年6月24日 星期一

CentOS 6.4 64 bit w3af_gui 無法執行 ( w3af )

w3af 請參考


root@w3af w3af]# ./w3af_gui                          
On Debian systems please install the following operating system packages before running the pip installer:                                                   
       sudo apt-get install build-essential python-setuptools git python-pip graphviz python2.7-dev libsqlite3-dev libxslt1-dev python-gtksourceview2 python-gtk2 libxml2-dev                                                                     

Your python installation needs the following modules to run w3af:
    clamd github git.util esmre phply chardet pdfminer concurrent.futures guess_language cluster msgpack ntlm xdot                                             

After installing any missing operating system packages, use pip to install the remaining modules:                                                            
    sudo pip install clamd PyGithub GitPython esmre chardet pdfminer futures guess-language cluster msgpack-python python-ntlm xdot                          
    sudo pip install -e git+git://github.com/ramen/phply.git#egg=phply         
A script with these commands has been created for you at /tmp/w3af_dependency_install.sh 


Easy Install  是一個 Python的模組化工具 (easy_install),是包含在 setuptools rpm 中,提供Python自動化程式下載、編譯、安裝和管理的模組。
使用方法 #easy_install [套件名稱]
如 easy_install pip
或使用 #pip [套件名稱] 也行


